A young company villamariense won its first export | World Companies
A young company villamariense won its first export | World Companies dedicated to the manufacture of
The e-Milk is a team dealer and pasteurization of milk for calves more popularly known as Milk Taxi or Taxi of Milk that allows you to decrease the time of the task, making it more easy and methodical. Allowing you to increase the number of calves that only one person can attend. The team is able to deliver the milk, or substitute dairy to the right temperature and in the specific amount.
The e-Milk is a team dealer and pasteurization of milk for calves more popularly known as Milk Taxi or Taxi of Milk that allows you to decrease the time of the task, making it more easy and methodical. Allowing you to increase the number of calves that only one person can attend. The team is able to deliver the milk, or substitute dairy to the right temperature and in the specific amount.
Your computer MAGNO
do not stop never.
Can we schedule
the Service
We fund equipment for the Technology to Dairy to get to your establishment.
The shelter, in the systems of artificial raising of calves, is an essential tool.
The increasing intensification in dairy farms, are required to have a high percentage of heifers for replacement in the system, and if it cannot be replaced with a cow youngster the output of a full-grown cow, the company begins to descapitalizarse.
The shelter, in the systems of artificial raising of calves, is an essential tool.
The increasing intensification in dairy farms, are required to have a high percentage of heifers for replacement in the system, and if it cannot be replaced with a cow youngster the output of a full-grown cow, the company begins to descapitalizarse.
In may 2019, the first prototype of the e-Milk was launched in the tambo family Audano, in October of 2022 are more than 100 establishments that choose the milk taxi MAGNO of argentine industry to feed their calves in the guachera of a more easy and efficient.
Our goal is that the TECHNOLOGY DAIRY arrive to each establishment. That's why we work every day to deliver innovative equipment of the latest technology with a post-sales service of excellence, for the growth to continue.
A young company villamariense won its first export | World Companies dedicated to the manufacture of
Magno: The company fell 15% in the price of the equipment that manufactures | World Companies
Magnus sold the milk taxi number 100 The company Magno located in the industrial Park of